Community Outreach and DEI Leadership and Presentations

Community Outreach Workshop Presentations (*mentored undergraduates) 

Welcome to AlgaeWorld and Seaweed Pressing Workshop Hosted by: Friends of Netarts Bay, July 7th, 2024, Attendees = 30 (all ages) Presenter: Angelina Zuelow 
Tidepool Discovery Days Hosted by: Friends of Netarts Bay, July 7th, 2024, Attendees = 30 (all ages) Presenter: Angelina Zuelow and Ryleigh Johnson* 
Canopy of the Sea Hosted by: Friends of Netarts Bay, July 7th, 2023, Attendees = 20 (all ages) Presenter: Angelina Zuelow 
Tidepool Discovery Days Hosted by: Friends of Netarts Bay, July 7th, 2023, Attendees = 30 (all ages) Presenter: Angelina Zuelow and Sarah Henkel 
Marine Disease Outbreak Monitoring Workshop (Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting 2021) Hosted by: PRIMED (Primary Responders in Marine Emergent Disease) November 12, 2021 Presenters: Sarah Gravem (Lead), Laurel Field, Silke BBachhuber, Kaitlyn Tonra, Andrea Burton, Angelina Zuelow, Lily Miksell, Deandra Mundahl and Genevieve Cobletz-Strong 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Workshop Presentations 

Decolonizing Science Integrative Biology Department Hosted by: Integrative Biology Department Summer 2022 Tuesday Series Presenters: Dee Denver, Mark Phillips, Kristen Grorud-Colvert, Angelina Zuelow 
Sex and Gender in Biology Classrooms Hosted by: Integrative Biology Equity Justice and Inclusion Committee Presenters: Jeff Kenney June 1, 2022 Main Organizers: Su Sponaugle, Felipe Barreto, Carmen Harjoe, Kris Gage, Staci Bronson, Angelina Zuelow 

Academic DEI Leadership Positions 

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science            (2021-Current) 
Oregon State University Official National Organization Chapter 
Officer Positions Held: Vice President 2021-2022, Co-President 2022-2023, Graduate Student Chair 2024-2025 
Integrative Biology Graduate Student Association                                                    (2021-Current)
Equity, Justice and Inclusion Committee (Student Rep: 2021-Current, Chair: 2023-Current) 
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science                        (2018-2021)
CSU Fullerton Official National Organization Chapter Officer Positions Held: President 2019-2020, Vice President 2020-2021, Social Media and Event Coordinator 2018-2019 California State University, Fullerton Tuffy Award 2020 Outstanding Program in Diversity and Inclusion 

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